Intern Tanya

Intern Tanya
Tanya & Trevor

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So for my internship at Kiss FM I was asked if I wanted to work a concert being held at my college. Skillet would be headlining at UW Oshkosh. The Kolf Arena would be filled with 4,200 fans on March 4, 2011 all anticipating the Christian hard rock band. For me I had never heard of Skillet and I did not know what the buzz was all about at my college. The day of the concert I helped other staff members at Kiss hand out stickers and play games with the crowed. It was a standing room only even so the students did not want to lose their spot near the stage. After we got done handing things out fellow intern Amy and I went to meet the band. I wish I could of traded places with my friends who really loved the band and would of done anything to meet them. I did however get them autographs. The band was very cool, young, and hip. These are all hard things to have when your trying to get the message of Christianity out to young people. I did not get to see the whole concert, but the half I did see was amazing. They had so much energy when they entered the stage. Now I wish I would of gotten and interview with them for my college radio station. I now own a Skillet CD and have read up on it quit a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I have been listening to skillet for 4 years now. they are an inspiration to my life also. I have mental health problems and i am not a emotional talker about how i am feeling. When something upsets me i go put on my skillet( Yes i call it mine because God wanted me to find out about them) and go walking. I have always been a walker, but walking only helped me out so much. I am greatful for my buddy Dave at Adelphoi Village for helping me find skillet. I have been really into religion since 2005. I am 21 My name is Daniel Druzak. I always went to church since i was little so why am i saying 2005. The reason why is i had a bad childhood and got locked up in juvi. I wanted to change my life around, i always told people that, but i couldn't do it alone. I went one day in juvi grabbed a bible and flipped to a random page. My one paster when i was little told the whole congregation, don't just read the bible from front to back for most people it isn't going to do much, if you instead flip to a random page God will speak to you through the scriptures. I was little and really didn't care about religion, what kid does. One a Sunday morning a little kid wants to go out and have fun with his friends because all he can think of is the next day, well i got school. Mom and Dad want me to get into church. So what i did which i know most children do(I'm not saying all do some children get into church) go to church and particapated not really cared got home and went and had fun. If i would haven known back when i was little how much God meant to us, i would have turned out to be a kid in juvi. But what i learned from myself after the years is God does everything for as purpose, we may not understand it but yes hes does. So why does he allow bad things to happen. I have always wondered that most my childhood. When i was growing up and today as a young adult i understand more clearly why? I have found through a lot of thinking( I am a logical thinker) bad things happen to us for a good reason. It opens up our mind to a perspective of life we wouldn't have thought of unless bad things happen. For example I have parents who are extremely rich. They never spoiled me,they aren't the worst parents, every human being makes mistakes(I am also non-judgemental) My parents where a little on the were rich and you aren't kind of attitude. Since i have been 10 until 18 i was owned by the state, My parents gave me up. For a good cause? Yes i was a evil child. I see the stuff i did when i was little why they did what they did. When i was young i hated them because they gave me up and i thought for no reason. Now was it just my fault?No. I did things that where uncalled for, but does that mean you give your child up. Well thats where i come to my conclusion of this segment of this part of my story. God does good things to us and yes he does bad. He does it for a reason. The type of person i am i help people out to make me feel good. i volunteer at my local food bank help people out who i don't even know. And yes since i am non-judgemental i even help people out in my life who dont deserve it because they are rude to me. Why would i help someone who dislikes me, because i am a caring individual. My parent where rich and snobby and i am a heart loving person. I am poor i will say that. i get well less than $200.00 dollars a month pay $125.00 for rent get $200.00 in food stamps, and i am happy. Why did i turn out they way i did and why did God take me away from my Parents.
